Personal Data/
Some Pictures / Foto's
Public Internet
sequrity Dec 26, 2001
See this page
for A recent sound recording (mpeg of a REAL piano with real airco noise!
(Its on in Mpeg again! Sept 7 1999)
Truth and Dare: the
start of a diary Regulary Updated (latest update Mar 28,
2002, another one coming up)
Diary page list All
pages on a row, also some that weren't easily reachable over the link list
New !
check out these journal pages (regularly updated)
This is the new relay page for all my publicly available web materials. 50 Meg is not bad at all, my thanks to tripod (and their advertisers, I guess).
Some stuff is available from other sites, so my links will jump arounda bit. I am updating some outdated pages and their links, be sure to check the highlights page, it contains pointers to most interesting pages, recent ones first. Much is years old stuff, I'm thinking about (maybe automatically) indicating the dates of the files
Update 10 Sept. 1998
Communication Centre
Proposal: for a discussion on power and sexual abuse. Please comment !
(e.g. on the guestbook on the bottom of the page)
![]() Working experimental page with javascript+java+math (uses frames). Updated april 10, 2001(fixed the missing menu images) I fixed the java applet location sept 2001, and the java version (1.1) oct 2001, it should work on most browsers now! The Neurology and nanobiology pageNew: May 25 2001 SynthLab Page NEW ! feb 19, 2001: The sequel of the wave page, where we go from waves to synthesis Interlinear HebrewNEW may 2000)! Scans of interlinear Old Testament pages. Main religious links: still building this from pages already available on other site, and more Last Update: 28 april 1998. Main engineering/scientific links: idem. (Latest update: 26 August 1998) Favorite/useful links: all kinds, recently not updated Christ versus anti-christ: Comparison for the critical christian consumer. The intellectualridicule of nazism: Ever try to make sense of or even read Mein Kampf? Should cure you very fast of wanting to implement even one of its atrocious so called solutions. Christian faith FAQ: possibly frequently asked questions and my answers. Abuse FAQ: a set of questions I gathered while thinking about sexual and power abuse. Consumers pages: the Verelst guide to Christianity: Michelin has stars, what will I use ? Maybe I should call it the Rough Guide. (remained unfinished) CV for synthesiserbased companies: A long standing interest of mine, contains info on some of my own projects not elaborately described in other pages Example synthesizer building blocks: Bear with me, I can only use ascii circuit diagrams, but the ideas will be clear Latest Update: 13 July (98?),MOOG FILTER added! (actually available now after some file failures, and even a MINIMOOG VCO is added!) A modestPA system: To make a 19' rack synth, lets start with the enclosure andthrow in an Amp. Pictures available !Latest Update: 23 Dec 1998 Other electronicalcircuit ideas: Mixed analog and digital A combinedBwise/C application:drum track sample generator(do it yourself),multiprocessor simulation, more Bwise stuff added 24 Dec Software synthesis: drums, additive synthesis, sample processing. NEW !(Last update 15 June few years ago) |
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comment, speak your mind, flame, or greet.(knock knock ?!)